Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I Apologize, I have been neglecting you...

I am sorry I have been absent for the last week or so. It has been a combination of other projects taking up my time and injuries ruining my buzz. My Ironman training has been riding a rough road lately as I have mentioned previously, but hopefully with professional input and a solid rehab program, I will be back into it. I will endeavor to be more regular with my posting. It would be more encouraging if some of you guys start to give me some feedback through the comments function. I kinda feel like I'm talking to myself... hello? anybody out there? nuff said.

Will post again ASAP.


Touch it said...

Jimmy D! good to see the blog update back. Injuries suck but when you are back to 100% you will be stronger. You were definitely flying before this! Keep smashing the pool. Howz the weight? I check yours more than mine! Signing off in the famous words from MC Hammer 'You can't touch this'.

Unknown said...

Hemi Toddy here mate just found your blog wicked your are givving it shite mate very impressive

Unknown said...

eh bro its toddy um think this thing signs in with the mrs name 4 some reason arrrrgh il have to try n sort it hows melbs n hows faye when you coming home 4 a holiday

James Duncan said...

Heya Toddy! good to hear from ya. Send me an email and we can catchup. If ya don't have my address get it off Stevie.
Melbs is good.
Catchup soon.
