Monday, April 9, 2007

Easter Monday: morning swim, evening magtrainer session

Started the morning off with an easy 2km swim at a pool that I haven't been to before. It's a 50m pool, which is a novelty for me and it was a great pool to swim in. Though there were a few people in the fast lane that overestimated their abilities. I gave a couple of them the sly elbow and kick when they wouldn't pull over a bit after I tapped their feet a few times. Had a lot of pain in my neck when trying to breath to the left (which I don't do often) due to a combo of yesterdays ride and sleeping on it funny, I guess. A massage and anti flame seem to have helped a bit.
This evening I did a strength session on the Mag trainer. A warmup followed by a bunch of 20sec bursts with the tension and the gears cranked to the hardest they would go. It hurt like a b***h (b***h isn't one of those words that converts into asterisks well is it). Then a 20min spin in the TT (time trial) position, that hurt more. It was like a deep dull pain that I can imagine would last for the whole Ironman ride if you went at the right tempo, ouch!
All in all a good days training.

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